Friday, December 6, 2013

Getting your Christmas presents for free

Since it is Christmas time and you are probably busy shopping for the perfect gift to give to someone and you don't have a lot of money to spend on the gift.

Well I have a solution for you on how you can still get that perfect gift without worrying how much money you have in your bank account.

You can go shopping without spending a dime. I know you are probably thinking I fell off my rocker and bumped my head but I really didn't fall and bump my head.

Now with that said I am going to give you some tips on how to earn free amazon gift card and use them to pay for your gifts for your loved ones.

First you go to and create an account. By creating an account you will be able to put your Amazon gift codes into your account and also have the tracking information for when you order your gift. Believe me this does come in handy.

Next you go to Instagc and sign up for a free account

Finally you start earning the Amazon gift cards and you can cash out for as little as 100 points which equal out to be $1.00. 

To cash out your points on Instagc you go to the reward store on the left side of the page and then you click on Amazon and then click on the amount of points that you have which equal the face value of the Amazon cards. As soon as you click okay that you want to use your points for the Amazon gift cards a new tab will open up with your Amazon gift card code. 

Then you log into your Amazon account and under your account you can put your Amazon gift card code. What is great about this is the Amazon gift cards never expire so you can put the gift codes into your account and leave them there for a rainy day. 

Now if you aren't doing this already then go sign up for this great site and start earning those gift cards so you can shop for free on Amazon like I am doing.

Earning money with Qmee

Qmee is very easy to do and only takes literally a few minutes a day to do it.

Basically all you do is go to the search engine that you normally use and do your normal searches.

A box on the left side of the screen may appear with links to different sites. When you click on those links you earn the money that is posted next to the link in red.

Then you can cash out at any amount you choose even if it is 10 cents. The money gets deposited into your PayPal account within a few minutes to a half hour. 

To start earning money all you have to do is follow these simple steps

1. Have a PayPal account and if you don't have one already then sign up for a free account.

2. Go to the Qmee website and sign up for a free account

3. Start searching and earning money. 

Yes it is really that simple to use.